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查看88 | 回复0 | 2022-11-4 20:18:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国江苏扬州
hope是什么意思(wish和hope的区别) 都能 表示希望 1、希望的能否实现可能不一样 hope指对愿望实现有一定信心的希望,多指通过努力可以达到的事; 而wish通常用于难以实现或达到的事;另外 wish也可表示祝愿、祈愿。 I hope to become a useful man.我希望成为一个有用的人。 We hope that we can visit the United States this year.我们希望年内能访问美国。 Everyone hopes for success.每个人都希望成功。 A draw seems the best they can hope for 看来他们顶多只能指望打个平局了。 Our motto is \\\'Plan for the worst and hope for the best\\\'. 我们的格言是“做最坏的打算,抱最大的希望”。 They hope for government funding for the scheme 他们希望政府为这个计划提供资金。 I hope for her letter anxiously. 我眼巴巴地渴望着她的回信。 We all hope for an enduring peace. 我们都企望持久的和平。 I hope for an early answer to my question. 我希望能尽早得到对问题的答复。 Roemer represented the best hope for a businesslike climate in Louisiana. 罗默最有希望给路易斯安那州带来务实高效之风。 I\\\'m the best man for the job, I hope.希望我是那份工作的最佳人选。 I just live in hope that one day she\\\'ll talk to me.我只是妄想着有一天她会和我说话。 Our parents chose to come here with the hope of bettering themselves. 我们的父母选择来到这里,希望能够改善自己的生活。 The doctors could hold out no hope of his recovery. 医生们对他的痊愈失望了。 There she lay year in year out, unable to move, and with no hope of recovery. 她常年躺在那儿不能活动,没有痊愈的希望。 My mother bought lots of tickets and lived in hope of winning the prize. 我母亲买了很多*,一心希望能中大奖。 But Kevin hasn\\\'t given up hope of being fit 但凯文仍没有放弃康复的希望。 Her spirits were high with the hope of seeing Nick in minutes rather than hours. 她很兴奋,因为再过几分钟而不是几小时后就有希望见到尼克了。 They recognise that tough action offers the only hope of beating inflation 他们认识到这一严厉举措是战胜通货膨胀的唯一希望。 2、句子结构不同 wish后接that从句一般用虚拟语气,wish后可接复合宾语; hope用作不及物动词时常接of, for引起的短语。wish含有希望(不大可能的事)发生;怀着(不可能实现的)愿望 ,例如: I wish I were as young as you.我要是像你们那么年轻该多好啊! 在更正式的英语,尤其是北美英语中,许多人在I、he、she、it之后用were,而不用was: I wish he were here tonight.要是他今晚在这儿就好了。 I wish I hadn\\\'t eaten so much. 我倒希望我没有吃这么多。 ‘Where is he now?’ ‘ I only w公开课 openkE.cNish I knew!’ “他现在在哪儿?”“我要是知道就好了!” I wish you wouldn\\\'t leave your clothes all over the floor. 我真希望你不把衣服丢得满地都是。 动词wish作希望时,后面的that从句总是用过去时: Do you wish (that) you had a better job? 你希望有个更好的工作吗?   I wish (that) I had met that good teacher 10 years ago.我要是10年前遇到那么好的老师就好了。 It was no use wishing for a miracle.只是盼望出现奇迹没什么用。 We have all wished for men who are more considerate.我们都曾祈求能找到更加体贴的男人。 I really could not have wished for a better teacher 这个老师对我来说是再好不过的了。 wish sb to do sth. He was not sure whether he wished her to stay or go. 他说不准他到底是希望她留下还是离开。 wish for sb to do sth. She shut her eyes and wished for him to get better. 她闭上眼睛盼祷他好起来。 表示祝愿: I wished her a happy birthday. 我祝她生日快乐。 Wish me luck! 祝我交好运吧! [VN] We wish them both well in their retirement. 我们祝愿他们两位退休后颐养天年。 ~ (to do sth) | ~ (for sth) 做名词 She expressed a wish to be alone. 她表示希望一个人待着。 He had no wish to start a fight. 他无意挑衅。 I can understand her wish for secrecy. 我可以理解她想保守秘密的愿望。 特别声明(本站非电商站,不做网上交易):以上内容来源于编辑整理发布,如有不妥之处,请与我方联系删除处理。         

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