[杂文] 悼念的英文句子(精选77句)

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We will cherish the memories we have with you. 我们将珍惜与你的回忆。~~你是否关注类似的句子呢?也许以下内容“悼念的英文句子(精选77句)”合你胃口!供您参考,并请收藏本页!
1、Your presence in our lives will be greatly missed. 您在我们的生活中的存在将被深深怀念。
2、We thank you for the beautiful memories.
3、Your kindness will be remembered. 你的善良将被铭记。
4、We are devastated by your loss but find solace in the beautiful memories we shared.
5、Heaven has gained a beautiful soul. 天堂多了一颗美丽的灵魂。
6、You touched so many lives.
7、We will miss your infectious laughter and warm smile.
8、Your legacy will live on in the lives of those you touched.
9、Your legacy will live on. 您的遗产将永存。
10、You were loved more than words can express. 您被爱得无法用语言表达。
11、Thank you for being a part of our lives. 谢谢您成为我们生活中的一部分。
12、We are grateful for the time we had with you. 我们很感激与你在一起的时光。
13、The world is a little dimmer without you. 没有你,这个世界变得有点暗淡了。
14、You will forever be a part of us.
15、You will be missed.
16、Your life was a gift to us all, and we are grateful for the time we had with you.
17、You will always hold a special place in our hearts and memories.
18、You brought Openke.Cne we had with you.
20、Heaven has gained another angel.
21、Forever in our hearts. 您永远活在我们心中。
22、Forever in our thoughts.
23、You will be missed. 我们会想念你。
25、We extend our deepest condolences and sympathies to your loved ones during this difficult time.
26、Your kind heart and generous spirit will never be forgotten.
27、Heaven has gained another angel. 天堂又多了一位天使。
28、A life well-lived. 活得精彩。
29、In loving memory.
30、We will forever be grateful for the time we had with you.
31、You will always be remembered as a true friend.
32、Your life was a gift to those who knew you. 您的生命是对那些认识您的人的礼物。
33、Our hearts ache at the thought of your passing.
34、Your memory will be a blessing to us all. 您的记忆将成为我们所有人的祝福。
35、Your kindness and generosity will never be forgotten.
36、Your presence will be deeply missed.
37、You left footprints on our hearts. 您在我们心中留下了足迹。
38、Your life was a gift to us all.
39、You were a shining example of what it means to be a good person.
40、We were blessed 公开课学习论坛 Bbs.OpenKE.cnto have you in our lives. 我们很幸运能有你陪伴我们的生命。
41、You will be remembered for the Openke.Cnade a positive impact on so many people. 您对如此多的人产生了积极的影响。
45、You were taken from us too soon. 你离我们而去太早了。
46、You brought so much Openke.Cnany during your time on earth.
48、We will be forever thankful for you. 我们将永远感激你。
49、Rest in peace, dear friend.
50、You lived a full and meaningful life. 你过完整而有意义的一生。
51、You will always be remembered for your kind heart and loving nature.
52、Your passing has left a void in our lives.
53、You will be deeply missed but never forgotten.
54、Your spirit will remain with us always.
55、We send our condolences and love during this difficult time.
56、You have left a mark on this world. 你在这个世界上留下了自己的印记。
57、You were a true blessing in our lives. 你是我们生命中真正的祝福。
58、You left a lasting impression. 你留下了深刻的印象。
59、You were a true inspiration to us all.
60、You made a profound impact on our lives. 你对我们的生命产生了深远的影响。
61、Your love touched our hearts in ways we could never have imagined.
62、Your spirit will live on. 你的精神会永存。
63、You will always be loved.
64、You gave so much and asked for so little in return.
65、You left too soon.
66、Your humor and wit will be greatly missed.
67、We will never forget you. 我们永远不会忘记你。
68、We extend our heartfelt sympathies to those who loved and cherished you.
69、You will always be remembered as a beautiful soul.
70、Although you are gone, your memory will live on. 虽然您已经离开,但您的记忆将永存。
71、May your soul find eternal rest.
72、We take comfort in knowing that you are at peace.
73、You were a true blessing to everyone who knew you. 您对所有认识您的人都是一个真正的祝福。
74、You touched the hearts of so many and will always be remembered. 您触动了如此多人的心,并将永远被记住。
75、You will always be remembered as a beloved family member.
76、We will cherish the memories we shared with you.
77、We will cherish the memories we have with you. 我们将珍惜与你的回忆。

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