[好句] 巴黎圣母院英文名句

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1、丑在美的旁边,畸形靠近优美,丑怪藏在崇高背后,美与丑并存,光明与黑暗相共。,Ugly is next to beauty, deformity is close to beauty, ugliness hides behind sublime, beauty and ugliness coexist, light and darkness coexist.,2、是的,爱情犹如树木能够自生自长,深深扎根于我们的周身,在一颗心的废墟上还是枝繁叶茂。,Yes, love is like a tree growing on its own, deeply rooted in all of us, and still flourishing on the ruins of a heart.,3、友谊就像兄妹俩,就像两颗灵魂,相互接触,却不合在一起,又像手上的两根指头。,Friendship is like brothers and sisters, like two souls, touching each other, but not together, and like two fingers on the hand.,4、无法又无天,无家又无业,王不管,天不怜。,There is no law, no home and no job. No matter what the king does, heaven has no pity.,5、人处于什么情况,都不如身上一文不名这样富于冒险精神。,People in any situation are not as adventurous as being penniless.,6、小树往往辜负园丁的苦心,固执地朝空气和阳光的方向伸展。,Trees often fail to live up to the gardener's pains and stubbornly stretch in the direction of air and sunshine.,7、安抚观众最好的办法,就是让他们知道戏即将开始。,The best way to reassure the audience is to let them know that the play is about to begin.,8、保持健康的秘密就是适当的节制食物、饮料、睡眠和爱情。,The secret of keeping healthy is to moderate food, drink, sleep and love properly.,9、人穷的滋味,饥寒交迫,他更感到各种需要的催逼。,The taste of poverty, hunger and cold, he felt the urgency of various needs.,10、这种爱越是盲目,就越是执着,到了自身毫无道理可言的时候,反而矢志不渝了。,The more blind this kind of love is, the more persistent it is. When it has no reason to speak of itself, it is determined.,11、时间一久,最好的肥肉也要哈喇变味。,Over time, the best fat meat will taste bad.,12、智慧、品行和性格,彼此总保持一定的平衡,能够持续地发展,惟有碰到生活的重大变故才会中缀。,Wisdom, character and character always keep a certain balance with each other. They can develop continuously. Only when they encounter major changes in life will they be suffixed.,13、你能知道我对你的爱情是怎么回事,那是火,是烧熔的铅,是一千把插在我心上的刀子啊!,You can know what my love for you is. It's fire, it's melted lead, it's a thousand knives in my heart.,14、当热情的头脑开始失望的时候,科学变得多么空虚!,How empty science becomes when passionate minds begin to disappoint!,15、一丝微笑和一声叹息不时在他嘴边相遇,这微笑比叹息还痛苦。,A smile and a sigh met at his mouth from time to time, which was more painful than a sigh.,16、假如我自身存在,那么这一切是否也实际存在?假如这一切都存在,那么我是否也存在?,If I exist, does all this actually exist? If all this exists, do I exist?,17、宽宏大量,是惟一能够照亮伟大灵魂的光芒。,Grandness is the only light that can illuminate a great soul.,18、骄傲会使人倒霉,骄傲后面往往紧跟着毁灭和羞辱呢。,Pride can be unlucky. Pride is often followed by destruction and humiliation.,19、平民之间感情的交流是敏捷的,迅速的,甚至可以说是坦然的。,The exchange of feelings between civilians is quick, rapid, and even calm.,20、这是黄昏的夕阳,我们却当做震旦的旭日。,This is the sunset at dusk, but we regard it as the sunrise of Sinian.,21、要想叫观众耐心等待,先得向他们声明马上开演。,If you want the audience to wait patiently, you have to announce to them that the show will begin immediately.,22、树干总是一成不变,树叶却时落时生。,The trunk is always the same, but the leaves fall from time to time.,23、凡是重大的事件,其后果往往难以预料。,The consequences of major events are often unpredictable.,24、伟大的建筑,如同高山一样,是多少世纪的产物。,Great buildings, like mountains, are products of centuries.,25、人类的行动都是从两个起点开始,在一个人那里受到尊敬,在另一个人那里却被咒骂。,Human action starts from two points of departure. One is respected by one person, and the other is cursed.,26、任何学者恭维另一位学者,嘴巴甜如蜂蜜,其实却寒过装满苦汁的坛子。,Any scholar compliments another scholar, whose mouth is as sweet as honey, but in fact he is more cold than a jar full of bitter juice.,27、种子已然撒进犁沟,将来必定丰收。,The seeds have been sown into the furrows, and the harvest will surely be bumper in the future.,28、人一旦有了一种思想,在任何事物中都能发现这种思想。,Once a man has an idea, he can find it in everything.,29、极端的痛苦,像极端的欢乐一样不能经久,因为它过于猛烈。,Extreme pain, like extreme joy, cannot last because it is too violent.,30、诗人如缺少对现实和人类的感情,便无从和大地建立联系。,If poets lack feelings for reality and human beings, they will not be able to establish contact with the earth.,31、我知道我长得丑,被扔石头无所谓,但让你害怕让我觉得很难过。,I know I'm ugly and it doesn't matter if I'm thrown a stone, but it makes me sad to scare you.,32、不幸的人往往如此。他珍惜生命,却看见地狱就在他的背后。,This is often the case with unfortunate people. He cherishes life, but sees hell behind him.,33、从一个学者口中倾注给另一个学者的恭维,只不过是一瓶加了蜜的苦胆汁而已。,The compliments poured from one scholar to another are nothing more than a bottle of bitter gall honeyed.,34、人类的正义交给那苦刑的可怕的磨盘去磨的,是多么可怜的谷粒呀。,What a poor grain the justice of mankind has given to that terrible millstone of torture.,35、真实世界在他周围重现本相,既触目又绊脚,一块一块拆毁他原以为身陷其中的可怕的诗境。,The real world reappeared around him, touching and stumbling, tearing apart the terrible poetry he thought he was trapped in.,36、严酷只能令人生畏,凛冽的北风不能促使行人脱掉大衣;而阳光逐渐温人身心,行人才会只穿衬衫。,Cruelty can only be daunting, and the harsh north wind can not make pedestrians take off their coats; while the sunshine gradually warms people's hearts and minds, pedestrians will wear only shirts.,37、我知道的,那些都是谎话,但最可怕的是我还爱着你。,I know, those are all lies, but the most terrible thing is that I still love you.,38、既然我都不想这个世界,那它又为什么要想我呢!熄灭了火之后,灰也是冷的。,Since I don't want the world, why does it want me? After extinguishing the fire, the ash is cold.,39、一个人对一个人的奉承其实是口蜜腹剑。,A person's flattery to a person is actually a honey-bellied sword.,40、这是黄昏的太阳,我们却把它当成了黎明的曙光。,This is the evening sun, but we regard it as the dawn.,41、树干总是一成不变,枝叶却纷披而伸展。,The trunk is always the same, but the branches and leaves are stretched out.,42、一个人只要干了一件坏事,就想干尽一切坏事,除非他发了疯才会中途停止。,A person who has done a bad thing wants to do all the bad things, unless he is mad, he will stop halfway.,43、我听见了她的呼吸,我看见了她的梦。,I heard her breathing and I saw her dream.,44、恶行半途而废,那就是疯狂!罪恶登峰造极就产生狂热的欢欣。,It's madness to give up evil deeds halfway. The culmination of evil produces feverish rejoicing.,45、人需要感情,而缺乏温情和爱的生活,不过是没上油的齿轮,只能发生吱吱咯咯的噪音。,People need emotions, and lack of warmth and love of life, but is the grease gear, can only produce squeaky noise.,46、好愿望,并不能给菜汤里增添一个葱头,只能帮助上天堂。,Good wishes do not add an onion to the vegetable soup, but help go to heaven.,47、一个独眼人和完全的瞎子比起来缺点更严重,因为他知道缺什么。,A one-eyed man has more shortcomings than a completely blind man because he knows what is missing.,48、白天是属于所有人的,为什么只给我黑暗?,Days belong to everyone. Why only give me darkness?,49、时间和**的破坏,至少光明正大,不失为公正。,The destruction of time and revolution is at least fair and just.,50、巨富并不是用漂亮文章取得的,最有学问的人冬天还生不起一炉好火呢。,Great wealth is not achieved by beautiful articles. The most knowledgeable people can't make a good fire in winter.,

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